Friday, January 21, 2005


Why didn't I go to the gym after work? Sitting here now, I know I should have gone. I came home and ate way more than I needed to, for no other reason than...I don't know. I can't figure out what emotion it is that I'm feeling that caused me to eat.


I just don't know. I shouldn't have eaten what I did, if I ate anything at all, as I did consume an apple after school today. I haven't been to the gym all wait, I went Tuesday. I haven't done weights in over a week (and a half?). I'm gonna put on all that weight I was so good about losing.

Now there are the logistics of going to the gym. Even if I go in 20 minutes (after my food has digested), how packed will it be? Or, because it's Friday, will no one go and I'll still get a treadmill to bust my ass on?

These past couple of days have been real downers. Had some work-related stress that was partially self-induced, but it's been harder to fix than I thought and now the paranoid part of me is like "Oh crap, they'll fire me 'cause of this." Not that I did anything really bad, but still...I'm not secure. I'm never secure. You all knew that, but I guess admitting it is what..half the battle?

Did they finally decide how much snow we're going to get? When it is going to start/end? Is anyone else as sick of winter as I am? 'Cause, seriously, I could go for some bathing suit weather right about now.

My hands got so dry yesterday they actually cracked and bled. How disgusting is that? I was both astounded and disturbed.

No other profound words from the Lady Vader. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


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