Saturday, January 22, 2005

He's here, the Phantom of the Opera

Went to see "Phantom" last night with the bf. It had been a REALLY long time since I'd listened to the soundtrack, so I forgot awhole bunch of songs that were in it. Needless to say, I came away feeling that Raoul was NOT a putz (as previously reported), feeling bad for the Phantom (as always) and loving Webber's music. I was a little peeved about the chandilier dropping being, uh, rescheduled, but I think it was a good decision. Mini Driver was a SCREAM as Carlotta. And the guy playing the Phantom...well, he's no Michael Crawford with his voice, but he wasn't really hard to look at, and his singing didn't hurt my ears, so I approve, although Antonio Banderas would have been a good choice.

Waiting for the impending snow. We're going to get a lot of it. Good thing I brought home a whole bunch of paper work, eh?

Hope everyone has a splendiferous weekend. Go Steelers!

Oh! For a "You might be from CT" list, check out Amanda's blog. I laughed. You will too.


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