Monday, January 17, 2005

MLK Jr Day

There is a deep profoundness in the fact that I have accomplished very little today. Oh sure, I corrected some papers and planned a few lessons, but...I have spent most of my day staring at the televison watching "The X-Files" mini-marathon that is currently running. That's all Anathema's fault, because she told me about the marathon, and I probably wouldn't have known about it if she had not provided the information.

I started re-reading the story I began writing for the Gathering and have added all of one paragraph. I think my little story is pretty good. I mean, sometimes I re-read my stuff and think, "Wow, this is crap," but then every once in awhile I read something and I go "Hey, that's not too bad." I love it when I surprise myself, which happens occassionaly if I haven't looked at a story in some time. Either that means I have a really bad memory or I'm fascinatingly unpredictable. Probably the former. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am as predictable as the sunrise or bad fanfiction.

The last episode of the marathon is the one where Mulder & Scully have a movie made about them. I wonder what they did with the bureau credit card that Skinner gave them. Probably a million fanfictions about it. I never wrote that one, however. I have no ideas that aren't terribly, well, predictable, so I guess I won't write it.

However, watching "The X-Files" is bringing back my college days and my roommate. I wonder how she's doing, and if she still watches. During "Triangle," I could almost see the two of us repeating the lines to each other at random moments during meals in the dining hall and getting very strange looks from everyone with in a 3-table radius. I guess I miss college a little bit.

My cat, Cleo, is just staring up at me right now from my lap, with occassional glances at Sparcy, who is trying to drag her 16-year-old kitty butt up onto my bed. I love having cats because they provide hours of entertainment as well as confidantes and stress relievers. Plus, they're just so darn cute.

Whether or not you had the day off, I hope it was good for you.


At 1/18/2005 2:45 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Thats sad you and "Agent J" don't keep in touch. My college roommate is really the only one from school I do keep in touch with.

At 1/18/2005 5:10 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

::plays tiny violin for party member J::

That was indeed predictable.

Sorry your day sucked. But I'm sure watching some of the work done by James Earl, James Earl Jones (particularly the ones he did voiceovers for) will cheer you up. =)


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