Saturday, January 22, 2005

'Cause correcting is NOT what I want to do

A – Accent: Not-so-much with that. I tend to sing British though. *shrugs*
B - Breast size: 36C
C - Chore you hate: Making salad
D - Dad's name: Marvin. Like the Martian
E - Essential make-up item: chapstick
F - Favorite perfume: None. They make me sneeze
G - Gold or silver: Either, really. Sparklies are good
H - Hometown: Technically? Meriden
I - Insomnia: Getting really bad sleep
J - Job title: Borer of teenagers, secondary English
K - Kids: I have 2 cats
L - Living arrangements: The homestead
M - Mom's birthplace: Meriden
N - Number of apples you've eaten: About 5 this week.
O - Overnight hospital stays: Just the initial "Welcome to the world" one
P - Phobia: No fears of that level
Q - Quiet or Loud: quiet with bouts of exuberant noise
R - Religious affiliation: Laxidasical (sp) Congregationalist
S - Siblings: Mon frere
T - Time you wake up: 5:45 AM
U - Unnatural hair colors you've worn: It was only unnatural on me-blonde
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat: Artichokes, and cooked carrots
W - Worst habit: Pick one. Seriously
X - X-rays you've had: All sorts of dentals
Y - Yummy foods you make: Taco salad; and I am the Lasagna Queen
Z - Zodiac sign: Sagittarius


At 1/24/2005 11:15 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

you eat a lot of apples. V. good for you. I should eat more of them myself.
This is the extent of my comment... I should be out doing errands, but I'm lazy.

At 1/24/2005 12:07 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

A - Accent: I can do many, though sometimes they slide together.
B - Brest size: um, 44A ? =P
C - Chore you hate: Ironing
D - Dad's name: Marc
E - Essential Make-up item: Rouge baby!
F - Favorite perfume: the really soft ones that don't make me sneeze
G - Gold or Silver: Gold
H - Hometown: Providence, RI
I - Insomnia: Yes, please.
J - Job title: Boss, Feudal Lord, Fight Stopper, Social Worker, Motivator (or else!), Paperwork Nazi and... Healthcare Administrator
K - Kids: Two, please. A Thrid is always a possibility.
L - Living Arrangements: I wouldn't call it living.
M - Mom's Birthplace: Wallingford
N - # of Apples eaten: Bushels and bushels... over my lifetime...
O - Overnight hospital stays: Always related to asthma.
P - Phobia: Not knowing the answer to a question at work. State inspections.
Q - Quiet or Loud: Quiet unless I must raise my voice. You know how it is with employ... um, kids.
R - Religion: I'm quite spiritual and technically Episcopalean.
S - Siblings: Shelley the not-so-rebellious rebel.
T - Time you wake up: Am I awake yet?
U - Unnatural hair colors: The sun bleaches my hair blondish, does that count?
V - Veggies you won't eat: Celery and Speerguts
W - Worst habit: Staying up too late
X - X-rays you've had: crushed cheekbone, cracked skull (both on same side of head)
Y - Yummy foods you make: Anything with meat. Seriously.
Z - Zodiac Sign: Cusp sign of Pisces/Aries. All the emotional sensitivity and physical needs of a Pisces with all the alpha-ness of an Aries. Yes, I'm confused!

At 1/24/2005 12:11 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

BTW - I made a nice chicken dinner this weekend. Simple and tasty. Sautee spinach and sliced onions and place your chicken with melted swiss cheese over it. MMMMmmmm.... Of course, the version they made at work had an unidentified sauce with it, but it tasted fine to me without it at home! ;)


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