Sunday, January 09, 2005

Is it jealousy or concern?

Okay, so last summer I was really lucky after I left TX in that I lived alone in a house for two weeks, responsible for purchasing my own food, with no stuff in the house that shouldn't be there. I, therefore, lost weight. Yay me. However, being back at home (and especially the holidays) has found me subjec to all sorts of temptations. I am going to the gym fairly regularly at least, but the scale is creeping up again. Mother keeps saying "You don't have to worry about your weight anymore," but I'm still not where I want to be. Yeah, I'm starting to look a lot better, but not great. I might just be paranoid, but it feels like there is some conspiracy presenting me with things to which I cannot say no. I think Mom is worried I'm going to go on some anoerixic binge (is that an oxymoron? I think so.) or something, which isn't possible because I like food too much. And part of it is what we eat at home. Not that it is inherently bad, but there's been a lot of stuff of late that I probably shouldn't have been eating, what with the cholesterol and all.

So I don't know what to do. I just feel very...blech. I mean, I'm proud of myself for my gym attendance (going after I finish this post, actually) but I feel like I'm shooting myself in the foot because I cannot get my food temptations under control.

Ah the rollercoaster that is the Lady Vader.


At 1/10/2005 12:21 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

Remember, too, that you will gain weight as you build muscle due to the muscles weighing more than fat. I realize it was just the holidays and all, but I see you getting in continuously better condition. 4-pack abs by July?

I've been feeling it too. Everyone seems to say I look slimmer, but the scale says otherwise since Thanksgiving.

Like you, when left to my own resources I shop and eat VERY healthy. My stay in Maine saw me lose 7 pounds. Granted, I worked heavy hours for the first two weeks, but the following two weeks in the kitchen gave me ample opportunity to eat up.

Your mom and mine just keep putting the bad foods out and tempting us. Like tonight I went out to the kitchen to see a pan of brownies sitting there. So OF COURSE I had one!

So like we discussed earlier, I'm going shopping tomorrow to stock my own fridge and stay off the crap food that will not cease entering the house. Shelley and I have both requested a change in purchasing, since we fall prey to the same faults, but my mom can't stop... and so neither can we! =P

MMmmmm.... rabbit food and crunches. Actually, from last week I am up from the initial (remember, bad shoulder) 25 push-ups to 100 in two sets of 50. I make sure to incorporate my stretches, too, and the shoulder is feeling better.

Ok, so that was a tangent. Don't sweat the weight gain. It's winter and we can't fight our instinctual need to pack on some padding to help fight the cold!


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