Friday, January 28, 2005

A week

It has now been a week since I set foot inside the gym. Oy. I was going to go this afternoon, but didn't leave work until 3:20 and figured by the time I got to the gym and changed (4 o'clock) I would have not been able to work out as much as I wanted to, because I would have had to come home, shower, and get in the car again to go pick up Bulky, 'cause she's coming to see me. So instead I came home, am going to shower, finish making a space on my floor for the mattress said Bulky will sleep on, and THEN go off ot pick her up.

Change of cycle today--issued I believe 7 detentions. Got my grades done, almost. One slacker kid still owes me something, and he's lucky that he's got until Monday now, instead of 3 o'clock this afternoon. I feel no sympathy for my students because I do not think I'm being unreasonable, just challenging.

Have introduced a new character into my still-still-untitled Gathering Tale. It needed a little more depth than the one story line I had created. This character is not based on anyone in particular, sort of the wild-card, which deviates from the original intent of the story, but whatever. She (Phalin) is actually much easier to write because I'm not trying to "capture" anyone with her.

I bought a battery for my laptop, so I will be able to travel and write in February, as well as this summer, when I'm bundled up in front of Stonehenge. I have 3 capes; I could bring one for each of us to wear and have our pictures taken in. Only one is white, so I might not bring that one. Anyway.

Hope everyone has a faboo weekend, and that the Odd-Goddess-Out enjoys her time alone.


At 1/30/2005 12:23 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

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