Thursday, February 03, 2005

Ladies-18, Men-21

This is going to be a random post. Not that they aren't ALL random, but still.

So I keep hearing commercials on the radio for clubs that say women can get in at 18 but men can get in at 21. I'm trying to decide if I like this idea or not. I just imagine all these 40 year old men hanging around the club trying to pick up these bubbly 18 (or is it 16) year old high school seniors who are more than willing for anything. As someone who interacts with teenagers on a daily basis, I assure you this would be the case. Thoughts anyone?

Have a crap load of papers to correct, which is why I'm not at the gym. I went yesterday though, so go me. I think I may do some mystery fiction with my seniors when they come back, including Sherlock Holmes (only the less-intense version). I'm going to go all multi-cultural on my freshmen for a week and then...who knows? Oh, "A Raisin in the Sun" with my juniors and more Birds that Mock with my sophomores. It did only take me a month to teach this book last time...I am going to be well into March before I finish at this rate. Oy-freaking-vey. But this whole reading out loud thing seems to work with them, so we will continue on this track.

Oh, my car. It's like the beginning of a joke: "So this woman brings her car in for an oil change..." and then finds out it needs new rear brakes and a timing belt too. WTF? My mechanic isn't screwing me over, but I was planning on a tiny bill. Now I get a not-so-tiny bill. Guess this is why my horoscope told me not to spend any money yesterday. And I wanted to, too, because one of my co-workers bought himself an MP3 player and I'm UBER jealous.

Side bar--I'm going to be teaching the novel "Night" to my seniors at some point. There's a poem in there called "Kaddish." Think I could get away with showing The X-Files episode of the same name? Probably not. Although I kind of want to show Clue as part of the mystery unit. Anyway.

Also on the subject of school, we were talking about the electives we might offer next year and now I'm DESPERATE to teach creative writing. I think it would be a kick-butt class to use for my portfolio, because the kids would be doing ALL the work. And that's what they want to see. So yeah.

I think that covers just about everything. The Super Bowl is this weekend so I must reiterate--GO EAGLES!


At 2/03/2005 8:55 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Any club that lets women in at 18 and men in at 21 is not a club I'd want to go to. I guess a private business can do whatever it wants, but yeah, it's a little bit nauseating.
Good luck with that creative writing class. If you do teach it, can you assign me the same work that you do the kids? =)

At 2/03/2005 11:51 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

Yeah...probably not going to be able to get away with X-Files...though who knows? As for Clue...hey go for it. You might have to do some creative editing, but hell it's a great movie.

Husbands should be like kleenex. Soft, strong and disposable...:)

At 2/04/2005 2:21 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I hate argue with you but Clue is a horrible movie but I have been itching to play the game again. Also, GO PATS!!!!!!!


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