Saturday, March 12, 2005

Embracing the Nerd--Part 2

1. Did you grow up with SW? Official SW introduction was early, but as the walking-talking teddy bears were scary, I did not appreciate the magnificence until I was 12 or 13.
2. Do you think it had some sort of effect on your life? Um, look at my blog name. I'd say yes.
3. Can you speak the dialogue along with the characters? Who can't?
4. Who was your favorite SW character as a child? Vader
5. Who is your favorite SW character now? Anakin/Vader
6. With what SW character do you most identify? I don't really identify with any of them. Odd, no?
7. What is your favorite quote from each of the original movies? ANH-"He was probably afraid you'd follow old Obi-Wan on some damn-fool idealistic crusade." ESB-"You are in command now, Admiral Piett." RotJ-"Tell your sister, you were right."
8. What is your favorite quote from Episodes I and II? TPM-"What's that got to do with anything?" AotC-"He's holding me back!"
9. Favorite scene in the original trilogy, without which SW would simply not be SW for you: (Amanda's right, how unfair to pick just one?) Probably the scene where Vader is choking poor Ozzel across space.
10. Favorite scene from Episode I and II: Just one scene for the two movies? After Yoda fights, when he picks up his cane and hobbles away. Classic.
11. If you could be one SW character for a day, who would you be and why? Padme. Why? Because I'd get to sleep with Anakin. Really, isn't that reason enough?
12. Would you have taken Luke’s hand off if it had been you fighting him at Cloud City? I probably would've taken off his whole freakin' head. Luke annoys me sometimes.
13. Would you have passed Yoda’s welcoming test on Dagobah? I'd like to think so. I might have been a little suspcious about his house, but since he was the only form of sentient life I'd scene, I wouldn't anger him.
14. Would you have taken Vader’s hand on the bridge on Cloud City? Probably. Not because I felt like joining the Dark Side, so much as I didn't want to plummet to my death and also I'm a sentimental fool.
15. Would you have accepted the Emperor’s offer of a place at his side? No, because that would make my father, you know, dead, and that's not cool.
16. Would you have let Luke leave Endor to face Vader alone? No, I would've called Han and we'd either have beaten the desert boy into submission or had him agree to take us with him.
17. Ewoks: cuddly teddy bears, or tasty midnight snack? As mentioned above--formerly, scary things; currently, cute little teddy bears.

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna


At 3/13/2005 2:13 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I've been reading Survivor's Quest recently. The book is so much better than NJO but is it just be or are the novels just not as good as they used to be?

At 3/13/2005 3:30 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

The novels started to really suck-ass right when Zahn wrote the "Hand of Thrawn" duology.

At 3/14/2005 4:05 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

1. Did you grow up with SW? I suppose it is enough to say that I grew up with a red lightsaber and a dark sense of humor.

2. Do you think it had some sort of effect on your life? No, not at all. It's a movie, and it's fiction. The only relation it has to real life was as a sign of hope as America waged the Cold War against "the Evil Empire."

3. Can you speak the dialogue along with the characters? Do I know the dialogue...sure, I remember it phrase for phrase just like every other movie I see. Do I speak it along with the characters? Are you nuts?! Get a life or go watch Rocky Horror or something. Freak. =P

4. Who was your favorite SW character as a child? Han.

5. Who is your favorite SW character now? Emperor and just about any Imperial officer. They're bad, they know it, and they're doing it big.

6. With what SW character do you most identify? Ackbar or Emperor. YOU try keeping that many planets and warships in line! Think of them as being my devil's advocates of good and evil.

7. What is your favorite quote from each of the original movies?
I can't differentiate between the movies... not that coked up yet. So instead, I will just list three of the more notable quotes...
"Boba Fett? BOBA FETT!? WHERE!?"
"Jest a few more secunds... BLAM!" (love it when porky buys it)
"it looks like a small moon.."
"this fully operational deathstar"

8. What is your favorite quote from Episodes I and II? "It's working!....It's working!" and "I felt it, too!"

9. Favorite scene in the original trilogy, without which SW would simply not be SW for you: The original ending.

10. Favorite scene from Episode I and II: The hiss-crackle of the lightsabre followed by the echoed screams of the Sand People(Tuscan Raiders).

11. If you could be one SW character for a day, who would you be and why? Palpatine, because "it's good to be the king!"

12. Would you have taken Luke’s hand off if it had been you fighting him at Cloud City? I believe the Force would have guided my actions, though I would have preferred to neatly sever his head and end all of the blithering idiocy... much the same with Jar-Jar and the current portrayal of E2 Anakin.

13. Would you have passed Yoda’s welcoming test on Dagobah? Out of common courtesy and due to my slightly more patient demeanor, I believe I would have passed, yes.

14. Would you have taken Vader’s hand on the bridge on Cloud City? If that guy was after me, I would do all I could to stop him! He's like the Predator or something!

15. Would you have accepted the Emperor’s offer of a place at his side? No. I would make it a deliberate ploy to make Vader kill the emperor, and then I would kill Vader in turn. Then you take charge and tell all the Imperial Navy guys what the Rebels are planning, destroy their fleet, execute their leaders (and that pesky sister of yours), and take the galaxy by storm... crushing any who would oppose me.

16. Would you have let Luke leave Endor to face Vader alone? I was unaware that he could have been stopped.

17. Ewoks: cuddly teddy bears, or tasty midnight snack? They remind me of those little creatures who turn all teeth in Qalaxy Quest. "Oh sure, they look cute now... but any second they're going turn evil somehow and we're all going to die!"

And I just have to get this jab in there...
Emperor: "I'm going to Force Choke the bastard that designed this place! A ship the size of three fleets that can blow up planets... PLANETS for Force sake!!! And we can't shoot down a few starfighters? And don't get me started on the krayt that designed the HVAC ventilation system..."


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