Monday, March 14, 2005

Sometimes, the carbs are just necessary.

I can eat low-carb pasta, and low-carb bread, but there is something really wrong with my low-carb hot cocoa. It's gross, but I have a 4 more packets left to drink. Perhaps I should start spiking it with something. Any suggestions?

After getting out of work 35 minutes late, I listened to my bf and went to the gym for 35 minutes, then came home and blew said gym visit w/pizza and beer for dinner. Or rather, did I just counter-act the gym visit, bringing me back to square one? Anyway. After that, though I did not want to correct papers, I popped in good ol' The Empire Strikes Back and cruised through a class and a half of papers. I still have to finish correcting the tests I gave the kids on To Kill a Mockingbird but what I'm reading so far isn't too terrible. Perhaps tomorrow night I will watch Return of the Jedi while correcting. OR I might try the "modified Star Wars viewing" and watch Ep 1, then Ep 2 and finish off with Ep 6. Not like any of you care. But Star Wars is back on the brain.

Tomorrow I'm going to review CAPT answers with those who took the last practice and give the last practice to the other class. My cup runneth over with excitement. This is one of the reasons I actually wouldn't mind teaching only upper classmen; you don't have to worry about this FREAKING test anymore. Gah.

Anyway, quiz results as I go off to watch 24. Mmm...Kiefer...

You Are Sango
You Are Sango: You're a very serious person and you
expect other people to take you just as
seriously as you take yourself. You may not be
unthinkingly passionate, but you would do
almost anything for someone you loved.
Sometimes you're too stiff for other people,
but you've learned to choose your friends
wisely so that it's not a major problem.

Which Female Inuyasha Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You like the ones that understand you.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

PS--Goddesses, are we going to Europe yay or nay?


At 3/15/2005 2:17 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Don't most women want a man that understands them? I know I'd heart a woman that understood me... (Those who know me know how hard that'll be to find...)


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