Sunday, March 13, 2005

Sunday Afternoon

Well, the weekend is winding down. I've enjoyed much good food this weekend, too much, really, and now I must force myself to do work that I've been avoiding all week. Perhaps it was my inner-college student rebelling against the lack-of-week-off in March, but I didn't do any correcting this week. I still performed my job successfully, but anything I brought home at night just ended up right back in my bag and made the trek back to school. Not this week though. This week I am going to be grading and planning like a fool. I have to read a 162-page book so that I may teach said book to my freshmen, and come up with new and exciting ways to get my seniors to read. As you can imagine, the latter is going to be a bit of a challenge.

Anyway, having not slept well the past two nights, I'm hoping my energy maintains so that I don't nap today and further f-up my sleep cycle.

Hope everyone had a splendiferous weekend! I'm off to watch some form of Star Wars and grade essay tests.


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