Monday, April 18, 2005

Happy Birthday, Baby Brother!

That's right, folks, my baby brother turns 21 today. As the kid who turned 21 AFTER everybody else in my circle of friends, I totally appreciate his plight and am glad he no longer has to drink illegaly in our basement. Now he can go get smashed in public for three times the price! But, most importantly, he can do things with his friends now that he couldn't before, so we are all very happy for him.

This is Day 1 of my vacation. So far I've eaten breakfast. I am shortly going to motivate my ass to drive to the gym, where I will endeavor to burn this weekend's calories off on the treadmill. Tomorrow I will attempt to do weights.

I am feeling rather bloated, and it's not a PMS thing. Any cure for bloating that anyone knows about?

"Charmed," btw, was very weird last night. I was watching it with my parents, and they were pretty confused, which was entertaining. Still, I don't know how I felt about the episode. Wyatt using his powers seems to be a bad idea, especially what we (the audience) knows about his possible future. But wow, Leo was really self-centered "He's doing this because I got hurt." What if the kid is just sick of seeing his parents attacked, not you personally? I love Leo, but still.

Yeah, that's it Enjoy your day, all!


At 4/18/2005 3:35 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

A problem I had with the episode was how did Xankou find them so easily? I mean even without the forcefield, they were pretty small. Another problem, how will Leo get back and forth from Magic School if he can't orb? Also, was that whole storyline at the newspaper really necessary? Does this show need any more comic relief? No. You're right though, he might have put Phoebe and Paige in the dollhouse as well if they were there...

At 4/18/2005 3:59 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

Not just as a guy, but as the viewing public... I just can't watch that show. Ok, at first it appealed to the guy factor with the 3 attractive "evil" women often dressed provocatively... but it reminds me of Pinky & The Brain. "Uh, what're we gonna do tuh-night, Brain?" "What we do EVERY night, Pinky... try to take over the world." At least the mice were entertaining. Don't get me wrong, Charmed is definitely not the worst show on tv. It's an evening soap opera with equally creative writers as the mid-day equivalent.

::flame suit on::

At 4/19/2005 3:12 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Well, Aaron Spelling does produce the show... I so miss Pinky and the Brain...


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