Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Things to do the Tuesday of your vacation

1. Go to the gym.
2. Go to the post office; mail bills.
3. Go to the drug store; drop off disposable camera that has 3 months worth of pictures on it.
4. Go out to lunch with brother for his birthday.
5. Go find muse and force her to write something.
6. Go find boyfriend and spend time with him.
7. Go to bed early to get up at the BUTT CRACK OF DAWN to go shopping tomorrow.

Doesn't that sound like a fun and exciting day? Not that I'm complaining about the vacation bit, mind you.

I actually did get some writing done yesterday/last night, but I need to refocus on the Fantastic Four who originally created my story. Avoiding them has been so incredibly easy, but now I must actually make them part of the story again.

*groan* Today is weights day at the gym. How I loathe thee.

Here's something to make us all a little happier. It does update itself, btw, I didn't think it did at first:

Episode III


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