Friday, December 26, 2003

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Okay, before you all freak out, I didn't get the diamond. I got a necklace. A beautiful one. The man has taste.

Also got a quesadilla maker, the Schoolhouse Rock CD and the movie "Les Miserables." Among other things that I asked for. A pretty good Christmas.

My parents are having their...let's see, I'm 23 this year, my mother is married at 29 years as of Saturday. Guess I should throw a party for 'em next year, eh?

Just found out that someone's sister is holding a grudge against me 5 years running...if the someone in question is over it, or at least dealing, shouldn't this sister get over it too? I mean, holding a grudge against someone who has directly offended you is one thing, but holding a grudge against your brother's ex? Yeesh.


Seriously...How evil are you REALLY?
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