Thursday, December 18, 2003

Movie review

Oh my goodness. Went to see RotK today. Faboo is the only word I can think of that is almost in the English language. I must say that Faramir is quite the hottie, but I am still all about that delicious monarch.

I too, Dendera, found myself tearing up at one point: actually, it was when Pippin found Merry on the battlefield. I definitely got the sniffles. Eowyn kicks some serious booty; I don't understand why people thought Arwen was "taking away" from her role. I would like to have seen some Faramir-Eowyn action: an official wrap up of the storyline. Stupidness with the Sauramon storyline not being finished; bf didn't seem to understand my complaint, but I needed closure, damnit.

Our crowd was pretty good, although the couple sitting next to us kept freakin' getting up to leave for popcorn or the bathroom or whatever. Dude, you KNEW the movie was over 3 hours long, moderation with your soda. I managed to get through the whole thing by sipping my bottle o' water. Had to pee when it was all done, but I made it.

On the small screen--why wasn't The West Wing on last night? Grr.

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