Saturday, December 13, 2003


Well, the goodbyes have been said, the keys turned in...I'm outta here!

Went to another BNL concert last night. They played mostly "up beat" stuff 'cause it wasn't just their fans that were there. The openning band was Guster. It was weird...'cause the three songs I knew by them, I liked, but the rest gave me a headache. They had the sound system turned up too loud. The bf went with me, despite disliking BNL, and while I didn't convert him, he hasn't threatened to leave me for my taste in music ;)

Parents are out buying the Xmas tree, then mum and I are going Christmas shopping, part of said trip is going to a winery--it'll be the first time I've ever been. Whee.

Why does Saturday morning TV suck? Sponge Bob is the hilight at this point. Oy.

You will live in House.
You will drive a Black Mustang.
You will marry Johnny Depp and have 4 kids.
You will be a Writer in Massachusettes.


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