Friday, February 20, 2004

Still bitter...after all these years

Now, this is going to seem ridiculous to well..just about everyone, but as the Buffy cycle has almost finished on FX, I was thinking about past series finales and...I'm still angry about Voyager. Not that they got home, but that Chakotay ended up with Seven. That sense. It still doesn't. He didn't trust her as far as he could throw her (which probably would've been quite far...Chakotay was buff). She'd never expressed an interest in him; he'd never expressed an interest in her. He was supposed to end up with Janeway. 'Nuff said.

I'm currently at the bf's house waiting for him to finish his shower. I showed up at 11 (as planned) and he was...still sleeping. Boy needs a job so he can join the rest of the world on a get-up-by-9-o'clock schedule. End of complaint.

I worked out this morning, and upped the weights on some exercises. Be proud of me.


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