Sunday, April 25, 2004

Where did my weekend go?

Oh yes, right. Friday I spent ill and then driving all over the state of CT (also got lost at the airport, but that's really neither here nor there.) Spent the better part of Saturday morning at the doctor's office (I almost have a sinus infection; yay for half-assed illnesses) and then part of Saturday afternoon grocery shopping. Drove down to see the bf Saturday late-afternoon, after taking a brief nap, and did not get back until 11 or so. Woke up at 6:30 this morning (wtf?) and have since been trying to get stuff done.

Did I? Well, 6 1/2 pages out of an 8-10 page paper are "done" although I'm going to need some kind eyes to view it before I hand it in. Also "finished" my lessons for the week. I didn't really have a chance to think about the lessons I'm going to get paid for, but I have to talk to my supervisor more in depth about those anyway. And I think I have some paperwork to fill out. I'm going to get a badge too. Woohoo.

I'm thinking about playing nanny for the summer after getting back from TX. I'll get outside, be fairly active, and while probably not making a boatload of money, will have something that resembles an income. What do you all think?

find your element


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