Friday, May 14, 2004

Don't think it went well

I'm not sure how well my interview went today. I felt like they were speaking a different language, asking me things. I mean, I payed attention when I was in classes, but a lot of the things we talked about have not made their way into my regular vocabulary. I don't feel (and still don't feel) like I have really taught enough to answer these questions. I guess that's the curse of having taught only 3 classes during my student teaching. Even now...I dunno, maybe this was a bad choice for me. But what else am I supposed to do? I can't go back to school again; I'm in debt up to my eyeballs, as the man in the commercials says. Even though I'm being told not to teach summer school 'cause I'll burn out, part of me things I really need to. Because those kids would be my kids; although they'll have had teachers during the year, it's my classroom. I can set up my own rules and I won't become the "evil dictator" who is usurping their 'real' teacher's rightful role. This is a very confusing time for me. My life is very unbalanced.

All things are squared away with the crossing out of my credits. The class counts, just not towards my master's degree, which is okay, because I only needed 30 credits for my master's anyway. So phew, crisis averted.

We had a four minute fire drill this morning. It was almost too pointless to even count. We walked outside, we walked back inside, and things were done with. They interrupted "Hamlet," of course, right before the dueling started. D'oh.

I just had a lovely lemon chicken sandwhich from Bertucci's for lunch. Then I ate a roll too. D'oh again. But I didn't eat the pasta salad that came with the sandwhich, so my guilt is lessened. We're going out to dinner tonight to celebrate (belatedly) the graduation achievement. I'm most looking forward to dessert. I haven't had a really sinfully good dessert in a really long time.

"Troy" comes out today. I am SO excited; I cannot wait to see this movie. It's funny to hear the people on the radio talk about this movie, because 99.9% of them haven't studied "The Iliad." So their focus (Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom, hot women) is not my focus (look, it's accurate to the text, will they make Achilles' sexual orientation questionable?) One DJ said "Eric Bana plays this guy named Hector" and it sounded so weird, because, to me, how do you NOT know who Hector is? Right? Anyway, I'm an English Geek, I totally admit it.

Good luck on your movie ladies; Jer and I will be there to see you in a month. Eek!


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