Wednesday, July 14, 2004

1 step for the perfect smoothiee

It's yogurt! For months I've been trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with my smoothiees. Add 1/2 a cup of Yogurt (or fo-gurt in my case) the same amount of smilk, and a cup of fruit. Blend 'til it looks like it's done.

Mahvelous, dahling. Simply mahvelous.

Interview went pretty well today. Of course, I've said that about a lot of my interviews. I have another interview Friday at a magnet school for 8th grade language arts. Wish me luck on that.

I'm digging that tomorrow is my last day of work for the week. Behold the glory of the 4-day week! I have no solid idea of what I'm doing with my students tomorrow, however, other than what story I'm going to be working with, and a general "we're going to talk about characterization" kind of thing. Not the strongest plan, but I don't feel like thinking overly much at the moment.

Getting my hair cut tomorrow afternoon. I just can't decide how much to get chopped off. Either two or three nches...what say you all? You have until 2:45PM EST tomorrow to cast your vote :)

Reading update: I'm roughly 100 pages into "Clan of the Cave Bear," mostly because I'm only reading it while my kids are reading in class. I've got all these questions floating around in my head (which I 'have' to write down because I'm keeping a journal with my students) and I'm learning all sorts of new words. The story is, on the whole, very intriguing. Thank you, Kelly, for the recommendation.

For my home book, I am also roughly 100 pages in. Did you know Jean Valjean doesn't appear until 60 pages into "Les Miserables?" Isn't that just like the authors of Hugo's day...he spent sixty pages discussing a bishop who lets Valjean steal his silver. Simply amazing. It's a political commentary, I know, but still. And to think, people used to read these books for fun. ;)

Oh, weighed myself this morning: 137.5 baby. Woohoo! Didn't workout yesterday on account of the rain and my ankles, but did work out today (despite the rain and my ankles) and am feeling like a new woman. Can't wait to get my hair cut. Then the transformation will be complete.

I've been writing a little bit of my Luke's Love Life fanfiction lately, but I'm not really pleased with it. I think my calling as a fanficer is not to write novels but to write connected short stories. I'm a serial fic-er or something like that. Although, while writing a scene with Tamilla (Luke's Lady Love), I discovered she has a penchant for karaoke. How funny is that? Just came out of nowhere. You gotta love when your characters surprise you.

To all of you who keep posting fanfiction...I promise to read and review soon! I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

(For some reason, blogger wouldn't post this yesterday when I typed it. Stupid blogger.)


At 7/15/2004 9:57 AM, Blogger leila said...

Clan of the Cave Bear is an excellent book (I think Ayla's name is really Leila, since the clan couldn't pronounce it right :D). Two and a half inches, right in the middle of the two choices. Or you could get it short like mine!!! ;) You didn't know it was yogurt? Silly woman! :p

At 7/15/2004 2:56 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Yeah, cut it off! Hair loss from the distal region is a good thing.

I just woke up. No other comments coming from brain. Clan of Cave Bear good.

At 7/15/2004 3:52 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Clan of the Cave Bear was an excellent book but I would not recommend Valley of the Horses unless you like reading about explicit sex every 60 pages. I swear that woman must not get any of course look at her. Ugh...
I've read excerpts of Les Mis in the orginal French...


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