Monday, July 12, 2004

The result is as bad as the source material

Okay, so my punishment for dietary transgressions was to write a fanfic on a really bad anime. The anime in question is "Legend of Lemnear." Now, normally, I like a little nudity in my anime (which I guess says a lot about me) but this one didn't even do the nudity effectively. So below is my fanfic. Let me know if it passes muster, or if I need to find another one and write another story.

Lemnear looked out over the hole in the harem wall, observing the beauty of the new world at she and Messhu had helped create. With Lord Varohl, his peon Gardein and the slave trader Vuan dead, things should have been able to get back to normal.

But Lemnear wanted to spend time with the harem, all those poor girls who had been mentally and physically violated by Vuan. She had wanted to give them the opportunity to do to the guards what had been done to then, but Messhu had stopped her.

He had been very quiet since their return from Varohl's palace. She had wanted to talk to him about where he had been for all the years since their separation, since that horrible night in the village when Gardein had taken him from her. She had been very young, of course, too young for the feelings she now recognized as being adult and dangerous.

He looked good, not like a man abused, tortured or malnourished. His eyes had that vacant look though, the look she had seen throughout other villages of men and women who had lived through and seen too much for their years. She wanted to tell him about the things she had done, her journey to find him and avenge their village. But every time she went to open her mouth to speak, he turned away.

This left her with far too much time to contemplate what the old man had called her--Champion of Silver. She had assumed her fighting skills had gone from dogged determination and a strong desire for revenge. But the glowing necklace, the way she and Messhu fused during the battle at Valykas, these were things bigger than her sword and bow. She didn't want to think about all the ramifications of being a Champion of anything, let alone a champion with mighty, god-like powers But if Messhu would talk to her, at least he could help her through this.

Turning away from the sunset, Lemnear set her eyes on helping the harem members rebuild what had become their home. Most of the girls were stronger than their lithe forms would suggest, but they needed the strength of a Champion to truly reassemble their lives. While Messhu sulked in a corner, Lemnear piled rocks, rebuiliding the wall and enclosing the beautiful view.

She could feel the mage's eyes on her, trying to get her attention. She knew the old man could probably answer all of her questions, but she didn't want the answers from him. Someone she knew, someone she truly trusted, that was the kind of person who needed to show her how to harness her power. If it could be harnessed...she could both lead a normal life and help other women like the harem girls to escape the bonds of servitude.

She felt a presence behind her, and turned to see Messhu hovering. He had picked up a brick, but seemed uncertain as to what to do with it. After a long moment, he placed it atop the pile Lemnear was creating. He stared at her for a bit, then gestured with his head toward one of the doors. Nodding, Lemnear dropped what she was doing and followed him.

They walked in silence down several passageways and around a couple of corners before arriving in the rooms that had once been Vanu's. Messhu closed the door behind them and let out a deep sigh.

"You've grown up," he said matter-of-factly.

"I had people to rescue, and no one to look out for me but myself. It'll make you grow up," she answered.

"Well yes, that too, but..." he shrugged, "you aren't the tiny little girl I last remember seeing."

"Oh," she said, blushing. "Yes, well..."

"You're beautiful," Messhu said, closing the gap between them. "I don't know if you know that." He placed a hand to her face, almost engulfing her skull. He brought her closer and pressed his lips to hers.

She didn't resist, at first, then pushed away with all her Champion of Silver might. "What are you doing? I haven't seen you in..."

"The power of Silver must be released if Bronze is to surpass Gold," he repeated, sounding so much like the mage it was a bit frightening.

"You've already defeated Varohl, what else could you need?" she growled.

"I'm not strong enough to rule, the power of the gods has not been bestowed on me yet. Sometimes it requires a coupling in order for the power exchange to be complete."

"I would like to keep my powers," Lemnear said. "I've been using them every since you disappeared..."

"That's right, they were my powers that you were holding. I would like them back now. This transfer can be mutually beneficial..."

"Pig!" Lemnear shouted, slapping Messhu across the face. The Champion of Bronze slid across the room on his bare feet. "Here I am, thinking there are genuine feelings involved, when all you care about is my power. I should have let you rot with Varhol!"

"Lemnear, wait," Messhu said, crossing the room with surprising speed and holding the door closed. "You will still be Champion of Silver, you will still contain your strength and agility; it will just be lessened somewhat. I can teach you how to hone these gifts, and get them up to your current standards. You must understand, Lemnear, I cannot do as the gods wish until you have given me back my powers."

Lemnear closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. Finally, she looked around the room, eyes falling Messhu last. She nodded. "Yes, fine. But not here. This place reeks of evil and violation."

Messhu, with a smile on his face, led her to the rooftop.


At 7/13/2004 7:55 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen! Man, what did you eat, that you had to go that far? I never even heard of that anime...
anyway, you've more than atoned. Way more. Poor Karen.

At 7/13/2004 1:57 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Bf's father has some WEIRD shit. I think that about sums it up.


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