Friday, July 16, 2004

What a day this has been...

Okay, let's start out with the beginning of my day, which was when my laptop would not let me type anything in the post box on blogger. This does not seem to be a problem on my parents' desktop, as I am performing the task at the moment.

What I was going to tell y'all this morning was that I cut 3 inches off my hair. The bf hasn't seen it yet, nor did I tell him just how much I cut off. Figure we'll leave that little surprise 'til tonight.

So I go to my interview and it goes pretty well, I figure. Once again, a pretty laid back group, there was much smiling and laughing done by all. Then I'm off to the mall to purchase a wedding present, a bra, and sneakers. Find the wedding gift no problem. Put it in my car, go back into the mall and discover...Victoria's Secret is closed until July 21 for renovations or some such poppycock. So now I'm pissed, 'cause I NEED the bra for tomorrow, and now I have to go to another mall which will not let me use my gift certificate that I got for my graduation. Grr. Arg. Etc.

Anyway, get out to the car and my cellphone (which got JACK for service inside the mall) says I have a message. Listen to message, it's the lady I JUST interviewed with, asking me to call her back. I comply, and she has set up a second interview with me later today (well, it's already happened now) with the director of HR for their magnet school.

So in the meantime, I go to yet another mall, only to discover that the bra I wanted from Vicky's they no longer sell in the stores. Now I'm desperate and end up purchasing a strapless bra w/optional see-through straps. Also get a Victoria's Secret credit card with a healthy credit line. Whee!

While wandering around the mall, I also purchase a pair of sneakers, a wallet, and a little black skirt. I don't own a non-businesses black skirt, so I was looking for one. And I found it. Double Whee! Saw this REALLY cute dress and tried on two sizes, but I just couldn't figure out what size I should be in. That's the problem with shopping alone--no second opinion.

After all this, I drive down to my second interview, and it goes pretty well. Finally got to come home. Am in no mood to work out, as I am tired from all the driving I did.

Was quasi-bad at dinner yesterday because I had more than my one allotted drink. Also a little bad at lunch, as I had Taco Bell. But the tacos (only 2 of 'em) were chicken, and I got iced tea instead of a soda. I consider this flub to be minor and not worthy of punishment, but I shall let my jailers decide.


At 7/16/2004 7:35 PM, Blogger leila said...

I want a picture, you hair-liberated retard!!

They ended up not needing me at work today so I'm sorry I missed you, if you came in.

At 7/16/2004 9:01 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

I was there at like 10 in the morning, so I wouldn't have caught you anyway. As for my hair liberation...actually, it's roughly the same length/style as yours. Not the same pretty color, of course.

At 7/16/2004 9:22 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Congrats on the job interview! I wouldn't consider that to be a punishable offense... I just took a 2 week break from the "diet" and am starting again today, so I'm back in the strict detox phase while you're nearly finished. I might punish it by, for example, sitting and listening intently to a song you hate. Mild compensation for a mild crime ;)
Anyway, you cut the extra calories off the end of your hair. So who cares?


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