Sunday, September 12, 2004

It's that time again

That's right folks, it's time for football Sundays. My boys don't play until 4:15 this afternoon, but I doubt they'll be televised on the east coast. If they are, I might have a heart attack watching the game.

Went to the Mark Twain house yesterday and looked at Victorian clothing. Did you know that Mark Twain used to put kittens in the pockets of his pool table when he was losing so the cats would play with the pool balls and to limit the number of pockets his opponent could play into? Funny, I thought.

I've got my freshmen and seniors for one more day before I meet my sophomores and juniors. I honestly have NO idea what I'm going to do tomorrow with my kids. None, not a one. My seniors are supposed to have time to read their summer reading books, but I don't think a lot of them are actually going to bring it to class. My time with the sophomores and juniors will be a little easier to plan, because it's all "welcome to my world" stuff for the most part.

My parents are at the clinic in the town next to us. Why, you ask? Becasue while my father was out in the woods getting everything ready for deer season, he got is hand in the way of his friend's buck saw and tried to cut his finger off. Yes, this is the gene pool I come from. Dear Lord.

The anniversary party is getting crazier. Mom & I actually looked at wedding cakes today, and we've also been talking about seating arrangements and invitations and stuff. Gotta say that I wish I was planning a REAL wedding reception, but you know.

I'm trying to get the bf to make a decision (well, on lots of things) but specifically on my April vacation and if we are, indeed, going to try to go to London. I want to travel (funds or no funds) and I'd like to travel with him. BUt I don't want to just talk about it, I want to DO it.

Jared of Subway fame is putting weight on again. I think he's started getting the meals that include the chips and soda.

I've been eating like crap once I get home lately. I ate 1/2 a medium pizza yesterday for dinner yesterday, Taco Bell the day before for dinner (plus 1/4 of a bagel and a midori sour earlier that afternoon) I've gotta get back on the wagon with the food, and really make the effort to walk when I get home. I did it last week pretty regularly. It's just a habit to get back into. But it takes me so much time to plan, that I feel like I'll never get anything done if I do that too.

"Charmed" starts up again tonight. Yay! I miss my TV shows during the summer.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.


At 9/13/2004 9:31 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Just thought you'd appreciate hearing that I"m sweating it out in heavy armor here just to read your blog, and I'm glad you're doing well. There's a girl here that reminds me so much of you, if you're not careful to send prizes you might get replaced ;)
Just kidding, of course. She doesn't know me like you do, and she never made me big dinner with a Harry Potter birthday cake either. Plus you're smarter. And prettier. But the two of you *could* be twins, in almost all other ways. Anyway I'm glad she's here since you're not. Not that I'd want you to have to come here; it isn't that bad, but there is a distinct lack of sex up in this place. The ban on entering living areas of the opposite gender, the ban on fraternization, and the ban on sex itself are as much to blame as the heat, the bare-bones hygiene, and the massive body armor. I should stop typing now. Take care :)


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