Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Mid-week ramblings

It's Wednesday, halfway through a short week. Not to jinx myself, but the days have been going by pretty quickly. I'm still having trouble motivating my seniors, but I'm being assured it's not just me, and so if I don't let myself worry over-much about it, I think I can keep some of my sanity and not do any heavy emotional eating.

I was a good girl and went for a walk today and yesterday. They weren't very long walks, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. I've been eating well (more or less), but not with the stringency (is that a word) of mid-summer. This is probably why I've plateaued at my current weight, but at least the numbers aren't crawling back UP, so we have to look at the bright side.

My mother just read a recipie which involves making fudge out of pinto beans. We are intrigued, yet strangely disturbed.

I'm getting very bad about making phone calls again. I keep intending to call Dendera to see how she's holding up without Kelly, and I should call my best friend because I haven't spoken to her in about two weeks or so. But it's 8:20 right now, and I really don't want to do ANYTHING but veg in front of the TV/computer for a while before hitting the sack. By the time I get all my correcting/planning done (which is usually around now) I am, quite frankly, too pooped to pop.

Football season starts tomorrow, with the horrible Patriots v. Colts game, which is cruel and unusual on several levels that I don't think I really need to go into. Suffice it to say I will be watching the game in "enemy" territory, as some Patriots' fans who are friends of mine have invited me over for the game. BF was invited too, but he's got to work on Friday (not like I don't, but I only have a 5 minute drive back to my house; his is 40).

I wore new shoes (which I just spelled "shews"--my seniors must be contagious) today and now my heels have blisters.


At 9/09/2004 2:46 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Go Patriots! Yeah, well I think Colts fans around here are fewer than Jets fans... Hee! Hee!


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