Monday, August 30, 2004

I think I'm going to be sick

Okay, so I've been awake for about an hour now. I have a rip-roaring headache which might be part of a hang-over but I'm thinking has more to do with the heat than anything else. My stomach is making me feel vaguely nauseuos. Oh, and my knees hurt for a little randomness.

I should have known I was this nervous when last night (er, Saturday night) I was having all these whacked out dreams about being late to school, not having all my photocopies done, that sort of thing. I'm still panicing about the latter, and I know I should have gone to Staples yesterday instead of the Sangerbund, but I needed to unwind.

Cleo is trying to help me feel better, I think, because she's awake with me and being cute. It is actually helping a bit. I wish I could fall back asleep, though. I laid in bed for 20 minutes just staring at the ceiling before succumbing to the insomnia. Maybe after I post this, I can sleep for the next two hours before I have to get up for real.

I think I'm also secretly (well, not anymore) stressed about Kelly's departure to the big desert today. I'm obviously physically removed from most of the drama, but I do worry about her going over there and I don't have a really good way to deal with that worry other than to think about it on top of everything else I'm thinking about.

To everyone starting school as a student or a teacher this week: bonne chance! We're going to need it.


At 8/30/2004 4:34 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, I'm stressing about all the small stuff too. Obsessing, really, over the fugly glasses issue. Don't worry, if you run out of photocopies you can just send one of the brats to go make more. If you're late it'll be a good story to tell. If you throw up in the classroom, well, the rest of the year will be spent in teacher purgatory as the kids all will find it hilarious... hrm, good luck with that.
I can't sleep either. *sigh*
Have a good one tomorrow.

At 8/30/2004 4:34 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, I'm stressing about all the small stuff too. Obsessing, really, over the fugly glasses issue. Don't worry, if you run out of photocopies you can just send one of the brats to go make more. If you're late it'll be a good story to tell. If you throw up in the classroom, well, the rest of the year will be spent in teacher purgatory as the kids all will find it hilarious... hrm, good luck with that.
I can't sleep either. *sigh*
Have a good one tomorrow.

At 8/30/2004 4:34 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, I'm stressing about all the small stuff too. Obsessing, really, over the fugly glasses issue. Don't worry, if you run out of photocopies you can just send one of the brats to go make more. If you're late it'll be a good story to tell. If you throw up in the classroom, well, the rest of the year will be spent in teacher purgatory as the kids all will find it hilarious... hrm, good luck with that.
I can't sleep either. *sigh*
Have a good one tomorrow.

At 8/30/2004 4:34 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, I'm stressing about all the small stuff too. Obsessing, really, over the fugly glasses issue. Don't worry, if you run out of photocopies you can just send one of the brats to go make more. If you're late it'll be a good story to tell. If you throw up in the classroom, well, the rest of the year will be spent in teacher purgatory as the kids all will find it hilarious... hrm, good luck with that.
I can't sleep either. *sigh*
Have a good one tomorrow.


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