Wednesday, August 11, 2004

La, La, La, I can't hear you

I'm stealing this from Sarah's blog. Really, everyone should try this site. I stumped it the first time, but that's probably because I didn't know all the answers myself and was just guessing.

It's raining, which means I won't be going for a walk today. Once again, my workout is starting to bore me profoundly. Such is the way of things. Unemployment is one of the worst things a person can do to me; I don't know if I could be a stay-at-home-wife. Stay-at-home-mom, yes, because kids keep ya busy, but not a stay-at-home-wife. I suppose I should be using this time to be writing but...well, see two posts ago for the reason that ain't happening.

I get to bring my cat to the vet today. She doesn't know it yet, of course, but I think she's suspicious (can cats be suspicious?) because I won't let her outside. It's just her annual check-up and vaccines, so it shouldn't be TOO traumatic for me or for her.

Not so sure Texas is going to happen now. I really should have started looking for a job back in June or even earlier, because school starts down there next week. And every website I go to either has no jobs posted, or no jobs teaching English posted. The fairy tale has come to an end. Perhaps we can work out some short or long vacations down there, however, depending on if I ever get a job and what the school calendar looks like.

I should be preparing a 15 minute lesson for my interview tomorrow. Seriously, what do they expect me to teach in fifteen minutes? I've just spent six weeks planning stuff to cover two hours! I'll do something CAPT oriented and hope that makes everyone happy. Happy enough to hire me. The starting pay for this particular job...she is not bad.

Watched "Highlander: Endgame" last night on TV. Gosh, that movie is something else. I mean, staring at Adrian Paul in period costume is not a bad thing, but the story and the acting...a little thin, I gotta say.

Speaking of movies...are you ladies going to see "Hero" with Jet Li when it comes out? It looks right up your alley.

Now sending this post into the great abyss of the internet...


At 8/11/2004 11:54 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

One of these days I guess I'll have to watch the Highlander movies though they do loook a bit thin. I don't understand how both Christopher Lambert and Andriamn Paul can be in them if they're both Duncan McCloud, aren't they? (Incidently, a couple days ago they had one of the best episodes of the tv series I have ever seen...)

At 8/12/2004 7:42 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Christopher Lambert plays Connor MacClaoud...he's about 150, 200 years older than Duncan, but they are both from the same Scottish clan.

At 8/12/2004 4:19 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Oh. They don't usually think of things like that when they base a tv show on a movie. Neat.


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