Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well, when the hell is it my turn?

You know how good news can sometimes make you want to cry? Well, my best friend just called me to inform me that her boyfriend has proposed and she, of course, said yes. I am so very happy for her, because she had a rough couple of years there and she deserves to be happy. But certain things about this situation bum me out:

1. I do not have any nuptial news of my own to share.

2. She waited until Tueseday to call me (why didn't I find out Sunday night?)

3. I have a feeling I might not make it into the bridal party.

I know all of the above reasons are very selfish, but they brought me down. If it had been me...well, she would've been the second person I called, after I called my mother. And while her sister is obviously going to be her maid-of-honor, I've got a sneaking suspicion there won't be room in the party for me after she puts in all her other, more "important" friends.

So now I'm depressed.


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