Thursday, December 02, 2004

Death Magnet

Well, I've got another death connected to my classroom. This time, it's a student running his younger brother over with a tractor. As far as anyone knows, it was not intentional, but still. What a day to NOT be in school.

Instead, I took the day off to learn how to manage difficult behaviors in students. I don't know if this thing is going to be a total waste of my time or not, but it's nice to have someone else deal with my hellions for a day so I can get a breather.

Plans are in full swing for the parents' party this weekend. I still have to burn the CDs for the dancing music, but I can do that tonight. I got trapped at Open House last night at the school; you should've seen me trying to give tours and answer questions: I started out a lot of things with "Well, I'm a first year teacher, but..." Parents at least seemed to appreciate my honesty. And my co-guide, one of the Math teachers, said I was an excellent tour guide. Must've been all that practice at Mercy & AMC. I actually liked giving the tours then; this just felt...awkward. Anyway.

Hope everyone survived the first day of December. Here's to 30 more without incident. Cheers!


At 12/03/2004 10:11 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

The tractor incident was connected to your school? I'm sorry to hear that. Ick! My parents are having a party this weekend as well but there wil be not dancing or drinking and not very likely to have any one my age there either...Hope yours is better.


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