Friday, December 10, 2004

First Sick Day

Yes, after passing out and taking a header this morning in the living room, I opted to stay home and sleep/rest. Helped a bit. Also drank copious amounts of Gatorade, which, while making my teeth rot, does make me feel better. Yay for pale blue Gatorade!

My mother has this Jazzy Christmas CD on right now. It's a combination of Muzak, Polka, and Christmas standards. Yes, you can imagine, it is THAT bad.

So I missed my own work holiday party, plus the BF's holiday party. I feel bad about the latter, because he seemed pretty excited about it, but I am just too sick. Chills and fever, aches and pains...flu anyone? Thanks, so much.

I blame my brother.

Hope everyone else had a better Friday than I.


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