Monday, December 06, 2004

It's that time again

That's right folks, the month of December marks the official beginning of my yearly depressed state. It started Saturday with my parents' party (which went really well) and me thinking "Even if I get married next year, I'll be 55 before I can have this party. But I won't get married next year. Maybe never. God, that sucks."

Follow THAT with the birthday. I got some nice stuff, but didn't hear from the BF until almost 3:30 and then didn't get much from him. I'm not materialistic, and he did give me the lovely necklace I'm wearing a couple of months ago, but a bottle of wine doesn not scream "I thought long and hard about this," when you know he was at the vineyard earlier that day with his mother and grandmother. I didn't want to seem ungrateful yesterday ('cause he really didn't have to buy me anything) but still...He wondered why I was in a bad mood when we drove to the restaurant. (German food, quite yummy).

Today...well, gave my sophomores tests, finished some Poe with my juniors. Should be working on lesson plans for Fresh/Seniors and grading papers. Mostly that, 'cause I need to send home grade reports with my dahlings.

Oh, and eating like shit, a sure sign of not being happy. I just kept eating today, but I was genuinely hungry although I wasn't even that busy today.

Want to be able to use my new computer, but bf still has my word/powerpoint/etc CD and I need to buy something to get myself on the internet.

"I will treat you like dirt and you will love me anyway, because I am Antonio Banderas."

Sorry, just having a moment.

The weather sucks. I'm tired. Off I go.


At 12/07/2004 9:52 AM, Blogger leila said...

Girl....I'm gonna go ahead and guess bf doesn't read this? Yikes. Maybe you should down the bottle of wine in one go and then tell him what a shmuck he is?

At 12/07/2004 5:40 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I think the beer would backfire. From what I've heard about him he'd probably really love it and miss the point entirely but I'm sure you knew that...

At 12/09/2004 2:09 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

okay, I think the beer is actually a great idea. A bottle of Corona, maybe, a nice midline beer. I do think he'd get the hint. If not, hand me the bottle, I'll break it over his head and stab him with it.

At 12/09/2004 11:26 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Nah, MGD or something skanky like that. Although hitting him over the head with it works with any kind of beer...


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