Saturday, December 04, 2004

Party Panic Procrastination

(do you like the alliteration? 'Cause I sure do.)

Instead of getting ready for the huge ordeal that is the party tonight, my mother and I have been working since about 7:30 AM at making sense of the hell-hole known as my room so I could put my new computer in there and use it at will.

Set backs included:

1. Spending 1/2 an hour moving a 4-shelf, 6-foot tall book case & books to the basement.
2. Vacuuming. (It was really gross, trust me.)
3. My speakers not working.
4. Having no DSL cable.
5. Having to find a home for all of my shit.

During Xmas break, I'll be culling the herd when it comes to books and knick knacks, as the church will really be having it's junk sale in January, and not in October like I thought they were. It'll be hard to let go of some stuff, but it's just taking up room at this point.

I also have a plethora (SAT word) of papers that I REALLY need to go through and figure out what's what with them. Oh. And I have to move all my school stuff into my room. F-me. I forgot about that. Grr. Arg. Etc.

Dad got another deer (not dear, that's how I spelled it at first) this morning. Mum had to bring him one of my brother's tags and she feared she was going to be dragging the body out of the woods, but luckily, Dad was out with someone else and he assisted in the carcass removal.

I just grossed out half my readership. Sorry.

Started a story on Thursday. Don't know what size it's going to be but I've got positive thoughts about it. Keep you all advised.


At 12/06/2004 4:12 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Only slightly grossed out, so don't worry. How'd the party go?


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