Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Early Dismissal

You know, all days involving snow are both good and bad as a teacher.

Snow Day = Good, no kids but Bad, another day in June
Late Arrival = Good, more sleep and shorter classes but Bad, kids are wound up in the morning
Early Dismissal = Good, going home early but Bad, kids are wound up towards the end of the day.

Still, I had a decent drive home, without too many other motorists who forgot how to drive since last Monday.

But I DID get my formal observation in this morning and my freshmen were SUPERB! I wanted to hug them all when it was done, but that would, of course, have broken all sorts of rules. So I just thanked them profusely. They actually said to me "Did we do good? Will you not get fired?" Maybe I'll give 'em a treat whenever I see them next (be it tomorrow or Friday). They just made me so FREAKING happy. If only my second class of seniors hadn't been such morons...anyway.

Oh, get this. One of my freshmen boys (of The Boys class) asks me if he can go to his locker yesterday b/c he found a poster in his closet he thought I'd like. Turns out it was a poster from Episode I that they had hung in a movie store--it has to be six feet long. So he leaves it there, and I'm thinking "was this my first gift as a teacher?" So today I tell him he left it and one of the other boys says "Ms. T, I think he gave it to you." So I asked him. And he said "Well, I don't have a place to put it; you should hang it up here." Cute or what? This is the same kid who was bummed he didn't have my class before Xmas vacation.

Another story from yesterday--one of my other freshmen boys (from the observation class) is late to class after lunch yesterday. I question him about it and he says "Ms. T, I bought you an apple, but they gave me a detention 'cause I tried to take it out of the cafe." How do you yell at a kid who says that to you?

I'm not sure if my faith in my teaching career is restored, but I did have a couple of good classes today. Even my first group of seniors was more or less acceptable; less hellish than the other group at any rate.

Hope everyone gets what they want with the snow.


At 1/05/2005 2:17 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Wow! Your freshmen are so nice! And I like you would have wanted to squeeeeze them after your observation! So congrats on having great students and being a good teacher! I can only imagine how straining it can be at times but at least it does have some rewards!

At 1/05/2005 4:02 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

It's great when tehy do stuff like that, isn't it? I have to tell you (or post, which I will likely do in the next 24hours) 'bout the kid who got me this amazingly cute (and thoughtful) gift and (here's the kicker) he's *not even my student*!

Also, no early dismissal for me today, and kids were STILL wound up all day because they kept hoping for it. We were the only school in the area not to get it so...

I'm praying for a snow day tomorrow!

At 1/05/2005 5:08 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Keep praying; the weather gods appear to be against us.


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