Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tired and Sore

God, I just want to go to sleep. But since tomorrow is the first day of a new cycle, I must be all prepared and stuff for new students, their gripes about the change of cycle, plus the wound-uped-ness that comes with any pre-vacation days.

Had a really crappy day at work yesterday, and today was not much better. I'm not sure how much I can or should go into, but it all boils down to a big ol' smack in the face of my confidence in myself. I was just starting to feel better about this, you know? I'd gotten some good reviews, my kids seemed to be mildly engaged and now...crap. It makes one want to cry very much.

Had a brief but nice Valentine's Day evening with the bf. Am going to miss him while visiting the ladies, and am very glad we went on our little vacation last weekend, but this "weekend" will be longer and therefore a little more relaxing.

Glad Goddess #3 had a lovely, if a bit physically expressive, birthday.


At 2/17/2005 2:31 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

The King is dead! Long live the King!

My boss is off until Monday. Scariest of the scary... this means that I'm the boss for now. Over 180 residents and 120 employees. Remember the original Blade? "I'm going to be a naughty god, a naughty vampire god." =) Feelin' it!

So here I sit at 2:30, having just had lunch, reading my mail and listening to 'the dub song'...which can be found at Kontraband.

After yesterday, this is therapy! ttyl all

At 2/18/2005 12:06 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

Oh, they have nice swords. The armor and all other items are standard, and a bit pricier than usual. Even the blades are expensive fgr what they are. What you are paying for with them is not a properly made blade, but the craftsmanship and decoration that adorns the rest of it. Personally, if I were to pay for a usable katana that I WOULD use... it would not be such a beautiful piece that I would feel bad about using it. I guess I'm more utilitatian in this regard.

At 2/21/2005 11:54 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

Since none of us are in the practice of using a sword for it's intended purpose, I always feel conflicted about weapons-grade pieces like this being in our admittedly undeserving hands. As to the ornamentation versus simplicity, in regards to this pricy piece I feel it would be a shame to mar it through regular abuse. And in regards to my preference for a simple blade, it is because I view a weapon's use as a last resort and the act of depriving someone of life and limb as an uncelebratory path to take. In addition, it has always been my belief that a weapon is only as good as it's wielder and that a simple weapon makes for a more unpretentious representation of that wielder.

At 2/21/2005 11:56 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

PS - Just to be clear, I'm speaking in generalities when I mention being undeserving! =P Can you tell that this blog thing has bit me in the ass before?


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