Monday, February 21, 2005

Vacation--Day 4

At "work" with Dendera right now. After more leftover pizza, I'm watching Baby Einstein's "Baby Neptune" with the little one, who has warmed up to me, despite initial panic at my appearance. We're waiting for the older one to wake up, and then we might go to the zoo or the science museum, something to get these kids out of their parents' hair, as they are trying to pack up and move to AZ. I envy Dendera in a lot of ways...not the whole constant packing thing, but the fact that she's living a lot of change and getting to experience a lot of different things. And then there's me...still living in the same house since I was 5 years old, no prospects of being able to leave anytime soon. I've been pretty good this weekend about not stressing regarding my job, but I know I'm going to be back in two days. I feel anxious about it, because I don't want to be looking for a job again come April. And how crappy would that look on a resume "Yeah, they asked me to leave because my sophomores were Devil Spawn and, since religion isn't allowed in school, I couldn't perform an exorcism." So I hope that this time next year I'll have my portfolio done and that'll be new stress. But I should still be enjoying this time of non-work-ness, so I will endeavor to do so. My trip, alas and alack, comes to a bitter end.


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