Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Vacation--Day 4.5

Sitting at the SAT airport, contemplating whether I want to buy crappy food here, or crappy food in ATL. It's only 10:20 local time, so it's not lunch yet, but I'll be hungry by the time I get to my stop before going home, although I'm sure the pretzels will be delicious as always. Part of me wants to attempt napping again (I was falling asleep on the couch this morning) but I also know I have to sleep tonight because we are back to the grind tomorrow. So I'll hopefully manage to stay awake for these flights. I've got an hour and fifteen minute layover in ATL which, provided I do not have to haul booty across the complex, I should be able to get myself a late lunch. I've been hydrating all morning, had zucchini bread for breakfast care of Starbucks, but I'll get hungry eventually. I always consume copious amounts of coffee while I'm on vacation, which I find very strange. I guess it makes sense with my fellow goddesses, as they are the Coffee Queens, but even when the bf and I were in Boston last weekend, I drank coffee more than normally.

Gotta get back on the bandwagon starting tomorrow, because I can feel myself bloating up after the past couple of weeks. I can't remember the last time I saw the inside of the gym, and I haven't been eating very well either. I need more vegetables, less meat...my cholesterol has probably skyrocketed again over the past few weeks. I need to go to the doctor and have it checked out again, but I'm going to try to get back on the bishy-esque diet. I was feeling pretty good about myself for awhile, but lately...not so much.

I still haven't finished "The Quality of Mercy" but I imagine by the time I land in BDL, I should be done. I'm hoping that these fligths aren't ridiculously crowded, although the sky cap said that a lot of people were traveling to my destination. Crappity crap crap crap.

So sleepy. For some reason, my phone isn't dialing out at the moment, which pisses me off. I wanted to call the bf but that isn't going to happen. Hopefully when I arrive in ATL, it will be happier and allow me to call mum and give her the skinny.

My plane just arrived, so we'll be loading probably in about 1/2 of an hour. I think I have a window seat (yay!). I love being able to peek outside to see what's going on down there. Maybe I'll even get some writing done. I did get some done while here, but not a great deal...maybe a half-of-a-page to a page.

All the music in the SAT airport is in Spanish. Yay for ethnic music. Of course, pretty much all I was listening to this weekend was J-pop. Not that it was bad or anything, just not what I ever listen to.

I wish I could get online and post this. You'll notice when you read my blog that there's 4 back-dated entries. Bulky's laptop doesn't have an A-drive, so I couldn't post the things I was writing, also b/c I forgot to bring my phone cable to plug R2-D2 into a phone jack. Ah well.


At 2/23/2005 12:21 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

A post for Amanda...

"Yeah, you'd need, like... Ninjas!..and Wizards!
NINJA-WIZARDS! And bears with laser beams. That'd frickin' rule!"

When you mentioned cheap blades breaking and flying off into space it made me bust out laughing. You MUST have seen this one before...




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