Thursday, February 17, 2005

Vacation--Day .5

First of all, I HEART my new laptop battery. The fact that I can use this thing now w/o it having to be plugged in is truly a godsend. I haven't gotten anything written of importance, but I had the option to, and that really is what counts.

As I type this entry, I am approximately an hour and a half away from my destination. I am on an older model jet, but the seats are leather, I'm by a window, and I don't have anyone sitting next to me, so I can stretch out and "luxuriate" in my traveling, as Wendy Williams would say.

I finished "1984" just as I was landing in Cincinnati. Kind of a downer of an ending. No, not kind of, DEFINITELY. Why does The System always have to win? Because we're too dumb to change it? Or perhaps we're too scared to? I'm not sure which. I don't have the cojones to change it, mostly because I don't think I have anything better than what we've got. You must always have a plan for these things.

Totally random piece of information: Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian) had hip-replacement surgery recently. Doesn't he seem WAY too young for that sort of thing? Lando's getting old. Sigh.

TRPoI #2: George Lucas is making a cameo in "Revenge of the Sith." Good for him, I say--if Hitchcock can do it, why not the flannel wonder?

Back quasi on topic: My mother sent me on the plane with a book called "The Quality of Mercy" which, as near as I can tell, has something to do with Shakespeare, the Spanish Inquisition and beheading Catholics. Still, she REALLY wanted me to read it, so I'm giving it a go. Am 58 pages in; it's not too bad.

So far in my travels today, I heard one kid say "What happens if the wheels fall off?" after I had quite possibly the bumpiest/60-to-0 landing in my memory, one teenage girl say to another "You don't have to get your belly button piereced" and was apparently on my first flight with one of the Sports Center anchors (who didn't look at all familiar to me) and his entire intern/cronie entourage. If it had been Stuart, who does the NFL reviews, I would have TOTALLY been that obnoxious person who asks for autographs. It wouldn't have been for me, though, but my mother--she loves him.

I am very sleepy, but as my current seat is right next to the engine (and I mean half the view out my window is obstructed by said engine) sleep is not going to happen. I was so freakin' beat today at work, I don't know how I stayed awake. I woke up with a headache which can only be described as "hellish" and it was marginally satiated until 4th period when that class of sophomores that makes me sick to my stomach came in. This did not help my general paranoia about my job. Now, you all know that I am not an overly-confident person, and when I am confident, it's usually misplaced. But it's hard to feel like I've made the right choice when I am not seeing improvement in certain areas--this class being the one of them. And I don't know HOW to fix it, because nothing I try seems to work. No one has been able to help me much on the subject, either.

I wish I could use this late-night energy to write something more useful than this yet-to-be-posted blog entry. I stared at a story for awhile but wasn't feeling much in the way of inspiration. Then again, Mr. ESPN was sitting right behind me and talking very loudly, perhaps I should give it another whirl.


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