Sunday, February 13, 2005

Upper-crust hotels

If you've never stayed in a 4 or 5 star hotel, I recommend doing it at least once in your life. It's a little disturbing that they address you by name when you call the front desk, but...yeah.

So we went to Boston and Worcester this weekend. Didn't get to do as much in Boston as I would have liked, but driving there is hell-ish, and traveling partner was not up for overly much walking, so that's for next time. Still, I got to poke around in the Science Museum (there's a SW exhibit coming in October) and the nostalgia of that was worth it. Also ate some lovely food, drank some lovely wine, and slept in a lovely bed. Saturday we went to Worcester, where we polked around the armory and bf tried on may different helms; I only tried on one because, even though said helms were in the kid's section, still way too big for my tiny little head.

I haven't gotten a cell phone bill yet, but now I know why--they had the wrong address listed. Right town, wrong street. Morons. So I have corrected said error, and paid my bill, so hopefully they won't disconnect my service or anything.

Am currently reading 1984 by George Orwell, which I never read in high school or college. I'd say I'm about 1/2 way through and it is a rather good book. I was considering teaching it to my seniors, but we don't have enough copies of it at the school, and was warned that it might be too above them. I don't know about that though; it seems like a pretty easy read. Anyone else have any thoughts on this particular subject?

I have to do all sorts of work today, including correcting and planning, as I don't want to be doing any of that gobbledy-gook during my upcoming trip to the lovely state of Te-has. I should probably do some laundry. And my mother wants to go shopping for my father's birthday. But I can't really justify shopping at this stage monetarily or timewise.

Anyhew, I hope everyone out there in TV Land had a fantabulous weekend.


At 2/13/2005 9:31 AM, Blogger Anathema said...

1984 might be above some of your seniors - the book has some subtleties...but you know your students better than I.

However, if you're looking for Orwell...Animal Farm is an easy read, and fairly straightforward. If you can, start them on that - I read it in honors sophmore English and loved it. It works even better if they remember some of the history around the communist revolution and can make the connections as to which pigs represent which real-life individuals.

At 2/15/2005 9:40 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

Not sure which rapier you meant, because they have remodeled the lower floors a bit since my last visit. However, the 3rd and 4th are intact. Myself? I was plotting which suits of armor would fit my shoulders. Maybe 2 or 3 at best, but I bet I could squeeze into the black armor with gold detail. Definitely one of my favorites!

Though plate armor offers surprisingly more agility than you might think, I would love to have a suit of Samurai armor. Not as protective, but far easier to move in. Quite reflective of the style of weapons employed.

Well, we don't have to steal it... these things ARE available for purchase as modern replicas if one can afford them. Ta!


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