Sunday, March 20, 2005


Happy Spring everybody! The snow storm we were supposed to get up here has decided to just be rain instead, so those of us who are ready for an end to the winter dulldroms have high hopes for the coming weeks.

I think I'm coming down with a cold...stuffy nose, itchy throat, all that fun stuff. I also have no desire to do any of the correcting/planning I intended on doing today. I've got some time before the bf wakes up, so I can do it, it's just a matter of actually wanting to. Which I don't. What's my motivation, I ask?

I just completely blanked on what I wanted to blog about. As I was typing that last sentence, whatever it was flew out of my head and seems to have slipped through the un-opened window into nature, where I suppose it...

Oh! I remember. In my shopping excursion yesterday, I bought myself a new outfit for the bf's bday dinner. The skirt was a size 8. 8! I haven't been an 8 since high school! My joy knew no bounds at that. I also bought my replacement strappy black sandles because my other two pairs finally met their maker around September. Now I really want to go shopping down at the outlets, though, because I want new clothes! I'm such a girl when it comes to clothes. *shrugs* Whatever.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


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