Thursday, March 17, 2005

1/64 Irish is enough, right?

You know, I didn't have a bad day. For the most part, my students were on-task and well-behaved. Yet strangely, I have a killer headache. I've been thinking a lot about work lately and wondering what it is that I'm still not doing right. There should be a little more gelling at this point; a routine established in September and not deviated from for 6 months really should be pretty ingrained at this point, no?


I have still MORE correcting to do. It just never ends. I also lost a pen today and I'm really pissed. I have no black pens at school now. I need to go out and buy some tomorrow. Yes, I know I could have the school supply them, but it would be next August before I got them.

In about two weeks they have to tell me if they're keeping me on until next year. I am nervous. I feel vaguely sick. I am very tired. I want to cry. I want it to be the weekend. My mother said I should call in sick tomorrow, but I can't justify it.


At 3/17/2005 11:12 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

I can only give you the advice that one of my co-workers gave me: Mental Health Days. Learn 'em, use 'em, love 'em...

You're talking to the girl who realized Monday that going into school the next day would result in me sobbing in a corner rocking back and forth...or literally killing someone.

Maybe even both.

So, I mental health day'd it on Tuesday. It was the smartest thing I could have done. Did it solve my problems? No. But it gave me enough breathing room to help me get through the rest of the week.

In other words - take the darned day off. You have earned it!


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