Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Charmed, I'm Sure.

I forgot to give my review of the Charmed season finale. It was...weird. I mean, how many times can they lose their powers/almost get exposed/be killed? Seriously. I like that the girls knew how to astral project, but I thought that power belonged to Prue specifically, not just something you could "learn" if you wanted to. Also...lack of confidence means you lose the book? See, that just doesn't jive with me.

I'm wondering how they're going to keep the show going next year if they've all got different identities. And what about the kids? Are they going to have to live with their grandfather for forever, without Leo & Paige? Oh yeah, THAT sounds like a really good way to keep Wyatt from fulfilling his dark and evil destiny. Uh huh...sure.

24 this season did not a happy lady make. Edgar and Chloe pissed me off...mostly because neither person could act. Kiefer, sexy though he may be, did some really dumb ass things. It was nice to see Palmer again, but sucky for him that he's not getting any credit for saving the universe...er, planet, country...whatever.

House is ending for the season tonight too. I don't know how I feel about his ex-girlfriend existing, but it was interesting to see where House got some of his issues. We'll see how I feel at 10 o'clock tonight.


At 5/25/2005 2:19 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I'm waiting until after Lost and Alias tonight to give my season ending review on my own site but since many who read this won't read that anyway, I will say Charmed wil be kinda weird next season although the women were all contracted for next season so they will appear somehow. Honestly, the show has jumped a whole school district of sharks.
24 could be interesting next season. They have a habit of jumping far into the future between seasons so we may never really know how Jack's life will have changed.
I didn't know you liked House I don't know how I feel about Sela Ward joining the cast but I will say Dr. Cameron could do so much better than House. Me for instance...


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