Friday, May 20, 2005

Day off?

You know, I remember taking today off, and thinking how I was going to have all this time to do what I wanted, like sleep in, write, and go out with Anathema and have a good time. Well, my day started off at 6:45...and I didn't do another damn thing until 10:40. I am SO frustrated right now, I want to tear things to little bitty pieces. Or throw someone out a Coruscant window. Doesn't matter who, just somebody.

Had some more ephinanies about RotS last night on my second viewing. We DO know where Anakin came from, although there's some disagreement between A. and myself on the logistics. Also, a question regarding immortality, which I will not share my theory on in case someone reading this blog has NOT seen the movie yet (you poor soul, get thee to a cinema!) My mother was so funny...Yoda would do something (anything really) and she would giggle.

I got waxed today for the first time and the pain was not as intense as expected. Although expensive, it may become a summer time treat.

All right, off to clean clothes.


At 5/21/2005 7:42 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I agree, let's vote... does it have to be someone from Star Wars?

At 5/22/2005 5:33 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Is there anyone who hasn't seen the movie at least once reading this? I've seriously misjudged this crowd if that is the case...


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