Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Tuesdays...yeah, what can we say?

Busy busy with work. Midterm grades are due Thursday and I am still 3 classes shy of being completely entered. One class is only partially my fault, as the students are not pulling their weight with, you know, handing in the assignments. The other two classes I've been pretty good about, but too lazy over the past few days (for obvious reasons) to actually do any correcting.

I got my Mastercard bill today and nearly choked. I did some SERIOUS damage during my April shopping excursions...snikey! Ah well, guess I won't be buying myself a new car this month. :) Not that I was planning on buying a new car this month. Or in the next 5 years. Anyway.

Amusing conversation with my friend Amanda:

Amanda: You should date Emrys.
LadyVad357: if dating fictional men were an option, don't you think Padme & I would already have been on WWE smackdown?
Amanda: Be nice if they were date-able, wouldn't it?
LadyVad357: yes
Amanda: You could totally take Padme by the way.
Amanda: Just grab her hair.
LadyVad357: hee hee

All right, so yeah, I'm really going to correct papers now. Honest I am. Watch me go.


At 5/18/2005 6:57 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Oh, man. If I had a dollar for every time Sar and I have lamented about the nonexistence of our favorite fictional men, I'd probably have enough to pay a gigolo to dress and act like one for me.

And yeah, you could take Padme. She thinks she's so tough, but she's just an overdressed bureaucrat.

At 5/18/2005 10:57 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

I luv you but I think Padme would put up a fight. In that battle on Genosis she was really the only one who seemed to have a plan of attack.


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