Saturday, May 14, 2005

No words...

What is this world coming to?

Paris Hilton won't read the menus at restaurants. According to an article in The Hartford Courant, which relates an interview with Pamela Anderson, when the two went out to lunch, Paris wanted the waiter to read her the menu. When he wouldn't, she threw a fit and said "I hate reading!"

What kind of spoiled-little-rich-girl MORON won't even read a menu? I don't care how much money you have, no one should have to read anything to you unless it's in a foreign language you don't speak. What's next...she's going to ask people to cut up her food and feed it to her? Please!

Sorry, that annoyed me.


At 5/14/2005 4:17 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Why should we hate Paris Hilton? Poor little idiot can't even read. The dear is probably chronically malnourished. As goddesses we are naturally superior to these promenading humans, which makes me for one feel magnanimous pity for them.


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