Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Don't suck quite so much today

Except for this really obnoxious headache I have going on at the moment, things are turning back "up" again. Although I may take every single person up on their travel offers for the summer, which will at the very least keep me busy and not thinking, which is the way I like to be some of the time.

And on that note, here, have some pointless stuff:

Latest (naughty) meme:
If you'd shag them put the name in bold. If you'd shag them after a few drinks put the name in italics. If you wouldn't shag or don't know who they are, leave as is. If you wouldn't shag them at gunpoint, cross the name out. Original instructions: Add one or more character names and/or fandoms of your own. Once the list gets long enough to be unwieldy (use your judgment) start removing one name for every name you add. Altered: Delete fandoms you don't know, add one or more that you do.

Star Wars

Luke Skywalker--Yeah, but only during RotJ.
Han Solo--Yes, please.
Princess Leia
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Lando Calrissian--It'd have to be some strong drinks.
C-3P0--Um, no.
R2-D2--see above
Yoda--too many scary visuals there
Darth Vader--I'm a perv, yes.

Star Wars prequels

Anakin Skywalker--Can I get a "hell yeah?"
Obi-Wan Kenobi--*anime girl* Uh huh!
Padme Amidala--
Mace Windu--No, annoying
Yoda--still no
Bail Organa--Not too shabby ;)
Jar-Jar Binks-- Wrong on far too many levels to count.
Qui-Gon Jinn--Repeat anime girl approval.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Buffy Summers--
Dawn Summers--
Willow Rosenberg--
Xander Harris--
Angel--Angsty men in flowing clothing? Right up my alley!
Rupert Giles--A little old for me...says the girl who'd do Sean Connery.
Cordelia Chase
Anya Jenkins--
Riley Finn--
Spike--See Angel above.
Tara Maclay
Principal Wood--

The X-Files
Fox Mulder--Are any words REALLY neccessary here?
Dana Scully--
Walter Skinner--
Alex Krycek--I'll even take him one-armed!
Cigarette Smoking Man--
John Doggett--
Monica Reyes--

Phoebe-Ho! Ho I say!

American Cities That Best Fit You:

60% Los Angeles

60% San Francisco

60% Washington, DC

55% Austin

55% Honolulu

You scored 62 Mood and 51 Energy!
You are cheery, energetic and achievement oriented. You are a hard worker and you are proud of your accomplishments.
Link: The Muppet Personality Test written by TheLadyEve on Ok Cupid


At 5/12/2005 10:43 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Hmm Some of the names you would shag if at gunpoint apparently, yummy! If it happens, get video!

At 5/12/2005 1:16 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

glad you're doing better.

I'd do just about anything to shag Fox Mulder.



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