Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mothers' Day, Kingdom of Heaven and other assorted nonsense

So, while washing dishes this morning for the aforementioned mother, I had this flashback to middle school home ec, where they told us to always wash the glasses and silverware first, before moving on to anything else. It was a very vivid flashback, complete with visualization of home ec classroom. Strange, no?

Besides buying my mother a bottle of wine, I brought her a new bra. This may sound strange, but she'd been complaining for so long that the ones she has don't fit that I finally dragged her to Vicky's and said "help this woman, please." They did and she is a happier mother for it. Later today, I must assist with the dinner cooking and *groan* salad making. I hate making salad.

I went to see Kingdom of Heaven last night. This was a good movie. There were bits of preachy dialogue, but as it is a movie about religious crusades, what would one expect? Addendum: I also want to note that the Muslims were not portrayed as the "bad guys" and I appreciated it. End addendum I thought everyone did a fine job acting, and it was interesting to note that at least 3 of the actors had been in Timeline together: the priest from the beginning, Guy, and the actor who played Lupin. The was the guy who played Lupin, yes? Anyway. It is funny, to me, that every movie Orlando Bloom is in links to a previous movie, with the exception of The Lord of the Rings linking to Pirates. Think about it--in Troy, Paris was profoundly adept at archery. Why? Because Orlando had learned it in LotR. In this movie, Balin is a blacksmith. Why? Because Orlando learned it in Pirates. Also, Orlando seems to have grown into himself a little more now, he looks much more a "man" than he did when we were first introduced to him as Legolas. And I don't mean because then he was playing an elf. Maybe it was the beard, but he appeared older. Very yummy. Liam Neeson did a lovely job, as Liam so often does.

We are a mere 11 days from Return of the Sith. There was an article in today's newspaper about Hayden. He said, regarding his "wooden" acting in AotC, that he was more interested in helping George project his vision than winning any popularity contests with his acting. Also, he talked about putting on THE SUIT and what an emotional experience it was for him and everyone around him. Seems like a pretty classy guy, if you ask me.

What follows is the STRANGEST quiz you will ever take, yet it was strangely accurate. Hence its...strangeness.

Nightmare scales: Panic: 50%. Dread: 68%. Lampreys: 68%.

You are the SPHINX. No, not the mighty riddle-asking beast of mythology-- the mutant hairless breed of cat. All you want to do is cuddle-- with anything, really, because your hosed genome has left you prone to life-threatening chills even in heated rooms-- and so you're often found snuggling with light bulbs, elderly dogs who hurt too much to run away, appliances, and the like.

SEEK: ANYTHING WARM. Look, it's better than freezing your whisk-- WHOOPS! Too late! You were born without those, too. AVOID: snakes, iced drinks, the outside world.

Link: The Vacuous Personality Inventory Test written by Vlinblindingue on Ok Cupid


At 5/09/2005 11:42 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

OK, I really want to take this test but the government has it locked out... irritating... I'm hung up on it! Stoopid govmint =P

At 5/09/2005 3:10 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

Strange strange thing, that. You need to get off the internet. Hobby anyone?

I am Futility. I may as well stop now. On the other hand, it suggests I seek out fat women who give good oral. But if I am Futility, then what would be the point of that? Very frustrating. I mean, finding truly good oral is an ongoing kind of search. They just don't do it like they used to!


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