Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Another doozy

Okay, so last night's dream started out like I was subsitute teaching at an all-girl's high school somewhere. From the dream, it seemed like I had been there before; the faculty knew me. My father was there too, so it had this summer-internship feel like when I worked with my dad. Anyway, lunch was over, and I couldn't get out of the cafe quick enough. So the new principal/headmistress/whatever didn't know who I was and I got stuck playing/engaging in this very weird sort-of ice-breaking type game.

Then we had a switch of venues...sort of. Now the kids were instead at a camp and I was a counselor. So we're marching through the woods and then we got to this weird river/ford thing. We cross without problem (although it's a problem later) and then the kids are starting to leave in their parents' cars. Then this boy (!) comes up to me with a green bundle--you guessed, it's a baby. So I try to give it to the headmistress/principal lady and she tells me just to deal with it. So I re-cross the river (still not a problem) and I run into a whole bunch of other guys. Now for some reason I have to cross the river a thrid time and now it's a problem...either the bridge was out or whatever. So now I'm chest deep in REALLY COLD WATER and I've still got this infant and I'm stuck. (Now the weird part) Kobe Bryant comes to help me, followed by Georgia-Ex-Boyfriend (names removed of those people I actually know) and ilikeswords. The bf was a little farther out on his way to rescue me.

That's it. That's all she wrote. WTF???


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