Friday, February 27, 2004


Today I have to go learn how to write my resume (sigh) and then hand in my portfolio. My portfolio blows. I have another classmate's with me because she can't go to class and I feel really inadequate. I can't figure out what else to put in it though. I was going to put in this really large unit but it's not done yet, nor do I have all the materials so...(double sigh).

It's going to be near 50 this weekend, and I'm shocked. Of course the wind'll probably make it feel like it's 30, so let's not get any silly ideas about NOT having to wear sweaters, okay? Beat that thought into submission.

I worked out this morning; everyone be proud of me. Having a more-or-less "skinny" day. Last night I had this really yummy dinner: cheese filled ravioli w/grilled vegetables. I know Kelly can't eat it on account of the cheese, but everyone else should give it a go.

You would shag Ron Weasley/Sam Gamgee. It would be
romantic. Nice and Slow. He's a very sweet guy.
There would be candles and wine. Just, one
great evening.

Which HP/LOTR character would you shag, and how?
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You are obsessed with bubbles! Now, who said that
was a bad thing? You are a true child at heart,
and love to run through field, laughing merrily
whilst blowing bubbles every which way. Enjoy
yourself! :0)

What type of Fairy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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