Tuesday, March 09, 2004

The closed captions don't always censor

Today was not nearly as productive as yesterday. I did mail out a letter of interest and my visa bill, but I didn't get much reading done on my Norse myths. Missed a call to work because I had too many noises going on in my room, so I probably won't turn on my humidifier tonight in case I get another call.

I wish I could afford to join an ediets-esque plan. I think that might be something I do once I become gainfully employed. I might even buy a personal fridge to put in my room, that way no one eats my food! Cooking for one can be a pain in the arse, but I'd probably live. But that's for the fall, when I have money.

Tonight will probably be more bizarre-dream inducing reading, 'cause I like doing my homework during the day.

You are COOLER RANCH! You are my favorite! lol you
are a chip with a kick. No one knows what you
are gonna do next!

What Kind Of Doritos Chips Are You?
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Secondary Mutant PowerAnimal Mimicry
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