Thursday, March 11, 2004

Silence...of the lambs

No, I didn't dream about Hannibal Lecter or anything like that. I actually don't remember anything I dreamed about last night. Actually a nice change of pace.

Have to bring the brother to another doctor's appointment today. This time he gets injected with radioactive dye so that three hours later to be bone scanned. We're not sure what the dye is going to do to him, hence the driver required. I can't decide whether to bring school work or my notebook to write in. Perhaps both. We'll be at mom's hospital, so she'll probably stop up at some point during the scanning.

Saw the bf last night. Looks much better than the last time I saw him (see 7.Mar.04) and was able to consume food without regurgitating immediately. Today is our 4-year anniversary. 4 years is a really long time. ;)

I would post a little cube-of-wisdom, but memegen site was being too slow.


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