Sunday, April 04, 2004

This is me not doing my work

I'm so pissed off about this project that I cannot bring myself to work on it. So here I sit, typing away at the keyboard of life. Or some such bullshit.

Tangent: sex complicates everything. I know they tell us that when we're 13 so we won't have sex, but they were right. And all that crap about the female body being persnickety is NOTHING compared to the weird-ass rules the male body has. Perhaps this is why the Catholics prefer sex for procreational purposes only.

I am UNBELIEVABLY sick of f'ing UCONN goddamn basketball. I hate basketball, and I hate every f'ing front runner in this goddamn state. Nobody gave a rat's ass about these teams until they started winning about 7 years ago. This is why CT can never have a professional sports team; this is why we lost the Whalers. People in this state only care about teams when they're winning.

Still no word on the house visiting for today. I really want to go; I want to see their dogs.

I've been identifying with all the wrong songs lately, which is not a good thing. "Stupid" by Sarah McLaughlin and "The Weakest Thing" by BNL are on the top of the list. I know what it means, but as both song titles apply to me right now, I don't want to deal. Gotta love denial.

Which Harry Potter Male is Stalking You? by Dooreatoe
Favorite Color
Your StalkerSeverus Snape
Days he has been stalking you103
Where he is right nowDo you feel someone touching you?
How do you find out?He calls you repeatedly
How it all endsYou sleep together once, and then you drop him like a hot potato
Created with quill18's MemeGen 3.0!


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