Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Just a little behind the eight ball

Well, we didn't get everything we needed to done, but we're making headway. Our mock-presentation is Monday; real presentation is Thursday; paper due at the end of the month.

Tomorrow is a job fair; I have to skip my history class which bums me out. We're going to talk about WWII.

I did some cardio this morning, but I think I'm fighting a cold off because I had a really hard time getting through the whole workout. Food consumption was tolerable, but I ate too many carbs as usual. What can I say, I like starch. I like bread. Give me bagels!

I wish I had more exciting things to share with you. Unfortunately...well, I don't.

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?

Hobbit family
Your ideal Middle-Earth parents are Samwise and
Rosie! This makes you a hobbit. You have tons
of brothers and sisters, which means that there
is always somebody cool to hang out with.
However, it also means that you have to watch
your younger siblings more than youd probably
like. Your last name is Gardener and you get
to live in Bag End! Remember the Gaffer? He is
your Middle-Earth Granddaddy!

Your Middle-Earth mama is centered and strong, but
has been known to be a little bossy at times.
Dont get on her bad side and you should be just
fine. She is a very busy hobbit, what with all
you children to look after!

Your Middle-Earth dad is as wonderful as they come.
He loves to garden (and probably has you help
him with the flowers), is an excellent cook
(which comes in handy with the eight square
meals a day that hobbits eat), and has been
elected Mayor of Hobbiton on more than one
occasion. Also, he is an expert
spider-fighter, so if you see one in the middle
of the night you can count on your Middle-Earth
dad to protect you!

I hoped you like my quiz. Please rate it, okay?

Which Lord of the Rings couple would be your dream parents? Pictures and longish answers.
brought to you by Quizilla


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